TEM Water Bill app for iPhone and iPad
TEM Water Bill is Very Simple
Who should use our App?
- Water supply owner
- Condominium/ apartment owner
- Rental room/ housing blog owner
Why do you need our App?
- App is available on the App Store for Free
- Your customer data and your information are kept secure in personal iCloud 5GB for Free
- Water meter reading number can be input with iPhone/iPad and automatically sync to iCloud
- Operator can print and issue invoice from mobile printer to customers at their residence location
- Cashier can issue e-receipt and get payment very fast with QR code/ smart search by iPhone/iPad
- Owner/ manager can online view all report at real time from iPhone/iPad anywhere and any place
What App can record/ report?
- Detail customer personal data
- Detail customer water meter data
- Monthly sales/ income/ credit amount ($)
- Summary list of total customer
- Summary list of credit customer
- Summary list of missing reading customer
- Summary list of inactivate customer
- Monthly power consumption (kWh)
- Monthly water production (m3)
- Monthly water selling volume (m3)
- Monthly water loss volume (m3)
- Monthly water loss ratio (%)
- Water production ratio (m3/kWh)
What App can import/ export file?
- You can import detail customer data from file .csv to your iPhone/ iPad
- You can export monthly report and send to your e-mail/ accountant automatically
- You can export backup data to your PC